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長笛配件 好物推介(二)

今次為大家介紹長笛配件,日製長笛尾戒,改善音色神器,學笛必備,這戒子裝在長笛尾端,裝上去後,音色會明顯提高不少,謝老師買了白金、玫瑰金,金色各一粒,試完後發現每種尾戒都各有特色,白金低音很厚,金高音很亮,玫瑰音色集中。由於尾戒價錢不貴,可算是以最低的價錢來提昇長笛音色的最好方法喔! 謝老師會於5月19日至 23日到日本5天遊,如大家有興趣購入此款尾戒,歡迎 whatsapp 97022235和我聯絡啦 !

玫瑰金 / 白金 / 金色 - $950

罕有啲既白金 (Platinum) - $1150

以下是官方網站的描述和使用方法 :

Plate Type 24kGP: Brilliant and bright Pink Gold p: Soft and deep White Gold P: Bright and also dark, well balanced Platinum 1000: Slightly heavy with magnificent resonance

Easy to set Slip in Flute Speed to the end of the foot joint, positioning its space facing straight to the embouchure hole. Then turn as you like to gain your preferable sound. Turning to the angle of 7 o'clock (when embouchure hole is assumed to be 12 on a clock face), the sound will be dark. Turning to 11 o'clock will be bright.

長笛配件 長笛音色

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